Sunday, January 6, 2013

See This: This Is 40

I've been dying to see This Is 40 since I first saw the trailer for it. I don't know why it took me so long to rally to see it, but I finally got to the theater today and saw it. 

I'm happy to report that I totally and completely LOVED it. True, I'm turning (this is hard for me to say) 40 this year, so I can probably relate to it a little *too* well, but still. It was very well done and all around entertaining. 
By far my favorite line was Leslie Mann saying, "40 can suck my dick" at the beginning of the film. Loved it!
Of course, it doesn't hurt that Leslie Mann and Judd Apatow are two of the coolest cats around. I don't think there's anything they've ever done that I haven't enjoyed. Well done, you two! Well done.

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