Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sammy's Surgery

Big props to my dear friend Angie for not only watching my sweet little puppy, Sammy, while I've been here, but also for taking him in to get fixed while we're here. I know, I know, it should've been done already, but something always seeemed to come up. Since she was having her dog done, as well, it made sense to have them done together and then they could recover together too.
While I knew it was happening, I've been so busy/tired here that I totally and completely forgot that it was going on. BAD MOTHER. On the flip side, I was thinking about him way more than usual yesterday, so I must've known on some level. Last night I made the trip down the hill to see my boy and make sure he was OK.
Reunited and it feels so good! Look at his cute little face. LOVE HIM.
He seemed completely fine and dandy. I can't thank Angie enough for all of her help. Love you! :)

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