Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pinky's Fandance - Will Ferrell

Oh my gosh, you guys, you don't even know how long I've been trying to get a picture with Will Ferrell. Seemingly FOREVER and he's so hit and miss, I was actually kinda scared about asking him for a picture last night. You know those people who you love SO MUCH that you can't stand thinking of them being mean to you? Yeah, that was me last night. If Will was mean to me, it would have broken my heart. After some much needed encouraging, I decided I had to try - what could it hurt, right? All he could do was say no.
To my surprise and delight, when I asked him for a photo, instead of the expected, "I'm in a hurry;" "No, thank you;" or just plain, "NO," Will replied, "Sure." Um, WHAT?! Sure?!!? You don't even know how many stories I've heard about people getting turned down by Will in the past...but I get a sure?!!? Wahoo! The mustache is kind of amazing. I think he's filming Anchorman 2 right now, hence the 'stache. So stoked!

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