Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Pinky's Fandance Redux - James LeGros

Yesterday we looked back at my first celeb pic ever; today we're taking a look back at my first Sundance celeb who invited me to take a picture with him and, therefore, taught me that it was OK to pose WITH celebs and not just take pics OF them (which is what I had been doing up until this point).
Thank goodness for the kindness of James LeGros. I was trying to snap a picture of him at the premiere of XX/XY in 2002 when he said, "Why don't you wait afterwards and I'll take a picture with you." What now? This actually happens? Sure enough, when the movie was over, James actually waited outside for me. Who does that?!?!
The next year I saw him again at the same theater and when I asked if he remembered me, he said, "Yeah, we took a picture here last year." LOVE HIM. I'm kinda bummed I've never seen him since, but I love seeing him on my fave shows (specifically Girls). Hopefully I'll get to see him again someday so that I can tell him that he's the coolest guy ever. :)

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