Monday, January 14, 2013

My Girl Is Leaving Me!

Today is a very sad day for me because I have to say goodbye to my main girl, Lindsay, from It seems like only yesterday we were meeting at a barricade during Alec Baldwin's star ceremony, yet here we are a few years later and she dares (dares, I say!) to move away to Palm Springs. BOOOO.
I know she claims she's going to be here all the time and I'll still see her, but just knowing she's not a hop, skip, and a jump away from me makes my heart hurt. I'll miss my girl!
I'm so lucky to have found my TLF friend, Linds. I can't believe I almost didn't go to that star ceremony that think we might have never met....
I can't even imagine my life without my girl. Our adventures, our laughter, our inside jokes. I couldn't love anything more.
This is going to be me after she leaves. Boo.

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