Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lazy Weekend

As everyone at work seems to be sick, I took some extra rest time this weekend in order to ward off any germs that were trying to stick around. I had the glimmer of getting sick, but it was enough to keep me down all day yesterday. 
Sadly I missed my cyber friend Becky being in town - although, honestly, I was a hot mess when she was here and I wouldn't want anyone seeing me in that state! We'll have to hang out another time for sure! Today I feel a lot better, although I could always use more sleep. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're feeling better! Will be in LA on Friday to pick up one of my friends from LAX. Not sure if you work or would be free for lunch (I think you work in LA, right?). Anyway, I'll let you know once I work out the deets at work :) Cheers!
