Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Faux Grohl No More

One of the main things I wanted to get at Sundance for Crush (Wait. What? I think about Crush? That's odd) was a picture with Dave Grohl (one of his faves) and an autograph for him. For DAYS I've been searching for Dave only to see not one, not two, but at least THREE "Faux Grohls" around. It was getting so ridiculous we thought maybe he was paying people to walk around and look like him. :) 
I'm happy to announce that after days and days and days and effort spent searching for him, I FINALLY got a picture with him! I love how toothy he is. Of course, now that I have it, we saw him randomly walking the street later. TYPICAL, Universe. Typical.
I've even been carrying around this janky little autograph book in order to get his signature. Man, I'm a good wannabe girlfriend. Sheesh. :) LOL.

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