Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pinky's Fandance - Kurt Russell

Yesterday was a horrible, rotten, no good, terrible day. All I wanted to do after work was go home, relax, work on my Christmas gifts, and not being around any people. Instead, my friend Mikey somehow convinced me to head over and meet him in Hollywood for an opening of a new Walgreen's store where Kurt Russell was "on the list."
Although I loved Kurt Russell on Overboard, I wasn't in the mood to go at all, but I rallied for my friend Mikey. Unfortunately, Mikey was late and missed meeting Kurt by, oh, like three minutes (!). Such a tragedy! Thankfully I made it on time and had the opportunity to get a picture with Kurt. Although he's a bit scraggly and looks like he's posing for a mugshot, I think it's OK. Hey, it's Kurt, right?

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