Friday, December 21, 2012

Pinky's Fandance Flashback - Chiwetel Ejiofor

One of my favorite holiday movies of all time is Love Actually. I can't watch it enough and it always makes me happy. I've had the pleasure of meeting several actors from the film throughout the years, but I was most surprised to recognize Chiwetel Ejiofor - when I saw him at an event, I knew I recognized him, but wasn't quite sure why. Then it hit me - he was Keira Knightley's husband on the movie!
I was able to catch him as he waited for valet and I'm so happy he stopped to pose! I didn't even know his name (not that I could pronounce it anyway), but I'm stoked to have seen him.

1 comment:

  1. He's really great in "Kinky Boots", as well as "Serenity" (with Nathan Filion)
