Friday, December 21, 2012

Holiday Blues

Yesterday as I was driving home I was practically hit over the head with this permeating sadness. From out of what seemed like nowhere I was impossibly sad and just wanted to cry. After resisting the urge to either drive my car into oncoming traffic or play my "Sad Song" playlist, I decided to call my good friend Angie who always knows what to say to get me off the ledge. Thank goodness for good friends who can remember what you were like last year (since I always seem to forget).
I asked her if I was like this last year, which apparently I was. I said maybe it's harder this year because I like a boy....apparently last year I thought it was harder because I wasn't interested in anybody at all. My goodness, what is wrong with me?
Here's the thing: I have a good life. I have a great family, wonderful friends, a job I love, hobbies I enjoy...I'm not really lacking for anything. Sure, it'd be nice to have a special someone, but not having one doesn't minimize everything else. I don't know why I get so sad. Why I feel so lonely. Why my pink turns to blue....anyone else get this way? Or am I just cray cray?

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