Thursday, December 27, 2012

Gearing Up For Sundance

Now that the holidays are over, we can focus on what's really important (at least in the Land of Pink anyway): Sundance.
With only a few short weeks to prepare, it's time to really start getting organized and situated with what to bring and what I still need to buy. As I received a good little wad of cash for Christmas (thanks Mom, thanks Dad), I ventured out to the mall yesterday (big mistake on the day after Christmas) hoping to find some deals.
First purchase? These fancy little shoes which are lined with fur to keep my feet extra toasty.
Normally they were $79.99, but I got them for the low low price of $19.99. SCORE!
Now if there's anything I've learned in my 11 years at Sundance, is that it's all about the hat. The rest of your outfit? No one cares; you're all bundled up and hidden anyway. But the hat? The hat is where it's at. I've long been in search of a fun little animal hat that was pink, but not some sort of pig (for obvious reasons) and I found a cute little pink cat hat. Yay!
The best find might have been this trio of goodness - a Hello Kitty hat, scarf, AND gloves. The price tag showed $28 and I totally would've paid $28 for it....except, get this, it was only (wait for it...) $7! How could I pass that up? I should've bought two!
Finally, my last goody to be found in the store (aside my super cute dresses that I'll have to model at a later date) was this "formal" Hello Kitty hat - you know, for when I need to jazz things up a bit. Don't be jealous.

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