Monday, December 31, 2012

Top Seven Postsecrets of the Day

Miserable New Year's Eve? Check

I don't have any plans on New Year's Eve. Partly on purpose, partly because I don't want to spend it with just anyone...unless it's Crush or someone I'm equally interested in (there actually is someone else....but we don't need to delve into that now) then I'd rather stay home and go to bed early. I prefer to hang out with my dog than be miserable at a stupid, crowded, noisy mall.
Truth be told, I don't think I've ever enjoyed New Year's Eve in my life. I'm always disappointed. Always wishing something would happen that doesn't. Forget that noise. I'll just stay home (and, possibly, be a teeny tiny bit blue....shhhhhh, don't tell).

Pinky's Fandance Best of '12 - Sam Trammell

I'd be remiss if I didn't end the year with some of my fave pics with my fave guy, Sam Trammell. If I were to list every pic we have, this post would be neverending, so I'll just include a few for your viewing pleasure.
Here we are outside the True Blood wrap party. Love this one!
A fun day where he got to pose with Sammy. So cute.
A clean-shaven Sam and a straight-haired Pinky! :)
OK, fine, I'll let Sam show you just how many pictures we have you can see, it's just a few! :)

Quick Trip, But Worth Every Second

Our whirlwind trip to see my cute boys was a success! Big thanks to my dad for taking this adventure with me at the last minute. I appreciate it!
Here we are at an overlook in St. George. I love the red rocks behind us!
Ah, Sammy. Far more interested in whatever was behind us than posing for a picture.
I could not love this picture more.
Sammy not coordinating once again. Oh, well. Super cute all the same! Hooray for sporadic trips to the desert! :)

Celebrity Wrap Up - Wednesday Edition

Hello and welcome to Wednesday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
I think Julie Bowen is adorable and can do no wrong. Love her.
What's the point of even wearing a dress in this case?
I'm not sure I have it in me to endure months more of these types of photos.
Is she sleep walking?
Why are the parents the only ones smiling? Shouldn't the twins be more excited?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Top Five LOL Dogs of the Day

Destination: Cute Boys

So, I found out the other day that two of my very favorite people in the entire world - Bretty & Jimmy - happened to be sort of nearby - well, considering they live in Florida. I kept seeing posts on Facebook that they were in Nevada and I was like, "I want to go to there!" I haven't seen them in almost FOUR years and that's simply too long to go without seeing these adorable faces. 
So, I asked my dad if he'd be willing to take a quick road trip to Nevada, and here we are. I'm actually writing this from Mesquite, Nevada right now. Tomorrow morning we're heading to St. George to see these cute boys before heading back home. I know it's a long way to come for a super short visit, but it's totally worth it! I can't wait to see my boys!

Pinky's Fandance Best of '12 - Ricky Schroder

My Best Of Pinky's Fandance would be severely lacking if I didn't include my latest picture with my True Love, Ricky Schroder.
Of course, he's probably still hearing my shrill screaming in his ear to this day, since I screamed so loud when he arrived. I can't help it - my heart still belongs to a 12-year-old girl who loves The Ricker. So sue me.

Is It Halloween Yet?

I wanna be Grumpy Cat! How cool is that mask?!?!

Celebrity Wrap Up - Tuesday Edition

Hello and welcome to Tuesday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Thank you, Jenna, for starting your pregnancy off right and keeping your hands off your belly.
Still the coolest family ever.
Nothing says, "Don't look at me" like some ridiculous hat.
I thought I wanted Penn to cut his hair. I was wrong.
Jenny McCarthy is amazingly beautiful. That color looks outstanding on her.

Top Five LOL Cats of the Day

Well, This Is Awkward

Apparently the son and his girlfriend broke up AFTER the Christmas cards were printed (although, really, why would a girlfriend be included anyway?).
Well, that's one way to say, "I hate your guts and we're never ever getting back together."

Pinky's Fandance Best of '12 - The Go Go's

From the age of seven I've loved these ladies - they can rock a tune like no other. Finally my dreams came true and I was able to get a group pic!
My only wish is that I was standing next to Belinda, but no matter. It's still a cool pic! :)

Bonus Party Pic

I know what you're thinking: Pinky, we haven't seen a picture of Crush in like an entire week. Can you please post one?
Sure, since you asked so nicely, I'd be more than happy to oblige. Here we are with Disney legend, Bob Gurr, a few weeks back at a party. You're welcome.

Celebrity Wrap Up - Monday Edition

Hello and welcome to Monday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Holy cuteness. Look at that tiny cherub all bundled up. Totes adorbs!
Hey Miley - we still know it's you.
Look at that! They CAN walk after all!
Oof. I just lost my ability to form words.
Too bad this outfit wasn't saved by the bell. I don't even know what that means, I apologize.