Saturday, November 24, 2012

Skip This: The Paperboy

Today I sat through one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Like, honestly, I'm never going to be able to un-see half the crap that was in that film. UGH.
Maybe it was because I was so blindsided by the whole thing. Here I thought I was going to see some movie about a guy being with an older woman and instead I had to sit through the worst filth ever. Do NOT see The Paperboy unless you have a strong constitution, like seeing people die, and don't mind not understanding the movie.
On the plus side, Zac Efron has never looked better. I could look at him all day long. YUM.
It didn't hurt that he spent half the movie in his underwear. Double YUM.
Yes, Zac, I'm talking about you. You're welcome. And, I love you.

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