Monday, November 26, 2012

See This: Silver Linings Playbook

OK, so I realize I'm a bit biased about my true love, Bradley Cooper, but it doesn't change the fact that Silver Linings Playbook is a sweet, tender, touching film with a great cast and a fun love story.
Jennifer Lawrence is adorable as Bradley's "friend with an F" and their chemistry is off the charts (lucky girl! Gets to kiss Bradley Cooper! How do I get that job???).
Chris Tucker, Robert DeNiro, and Jackie Weaver are also stellar in their supporting roles. 
Yes, there were a few times I wanted to fast forward the film to see what was going to happen, but in general, it was a million times better than the horror that was The Paperboy and a trillion times better than the horribly awful Rock of Ages (how did that ever get made?!?!).  
I loved seeing Bradley be so emotional and exposed. I just wanted to give him a hug.
Oh, wait. What am I saying? I ALWAYS want to give him a hug. Nevermind. Carry on.

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