Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's a Miracle!

It's no secret around these parts that I have terrible, horrible, no good, rotten feet. I don't know what I did to piss off the Feet Gods in another life, but suffice it to say that my feet are horrid. I cannot go without wearing socks, which is a tragedy because I hate wearing shoes (and especially socks) and would like nothing more than to be barefoot all the time.
In case you're wondering, yes, I've tried everything. I've soaked them, scrubbed them, peeled them, and slathered more lotion on them than anyone should ever have on their feet.
Lately, the only thing I can do to keep them in somewhat decent condition (read: they're still terrible, but at least I can usually walk by doing this) is to wear these gel moisture socks all the time when I'm home. I wear them so much they're practically morphed to my feet.
I just tried this Bag Balm and I think it was a mis-step because my feet got sores, didn't heal, and cracked everywhere. Stupid Bag Balm. I hate you.
To combat this, I found this new cool thing - Miracle Heel Stick. I liked the idea of it being applied like a deoderant so that I wasn't constantly rubbing lotion off my hands and getting it all over the place. And in less than a week, I'm happy to report that I can, once again, walk without too much incident. The cracks are subsiding.
Please note these are NOT my feet and I apologize for the visual, but I wanted you to see my shame. Mine are actually worse, but that's neither here nor there. Stupid feet. Sometimes I wish I could cut them off, but then I'd be a peg leg. That's probably worse, right? :)

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