Monday, October 1, 2012

You Take The Good, You Take The Bad....

So, I've been trying to figure out what's causing my funk. Am I being weighed down by too many bad things happening? Maybe we should do a comparison.....
  • BAD: My friend Patrick passed away. GOOD: I'm able to attend his services tomorrow and I feel lucky that I was able to know him at all.
  • BAD: I feel a little let down after The Emmys and all the hullaballoo ended. GOOD: I got to attend The Emmys!
  • BAD: I'm pretty sure I haven't shared this with you, but my hairstylist cancelled on me last minute the night before The Emmys. GOOD: Lindsay was able to get me into her girl and I may have found a new hairstylist (why would I go back to the girl who cancelled, right?).   
  • BAD: Our satellite receiver went out and we lost all of our saved shows. GOOD: Nothing good about that.
  • BAD: Work is so busy I can barely think. GOOD: Job security. Oh, and I have a job.
  • BAD: I got a red light ticket. GOOD: Nothing good about that.
Hmmm, when I first thought of doing this, I really thought the good was going to outweigh the bad. Guess not, although, really, these aren't life-shattering things (with the exception of my friend's passing, which is definitely really sad). Hopefully I'll get out of my funk soon or at least be able to find more good in things.

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