Tuesday, October 2, 2012

See This: Seven Psychopaths

Last night we went to see the premiere of Seven Psychopaths over in Westwood. I didn't really know a lot about the movie, but Crush was super jazzed to see it, so I figured why not.
There's nothing quite as satisfying as falling completely and totally in love with a film, but last night it happened for both of us. I don't remember how long it was since I saw a movie I loved so much, but it was outstanding. Seriously, it was perfect. Funny, crass, violent, moving, interesting, and unique. Very well done.
Crush has decided to grow a beard. I have no comment.
Colin Farrell and Sam Rockwell were perfection. The dog was genius.
To the premiere they both wore matching Walken shirts. Brilliant! Where can I get one?
Even the logo is cool!
Aside from driving home way too late, all in all it was a very successful adventure. Great flick! I highly recommend it.

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