Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sam Trammell at The Hollywood Show!

I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but I'm *kind of* a bit of a Sam Trammell fan. Oh, wait. I'm the BIGGEST Sam Trammell fan around. Who am I kidding?!?!
Because of this, I was thrilled to learn he'd be at the Hollywood Show this weekend and I tried to promote his appearance as best I could. In anticipation of seeing him, I made him a photo collage of all our pictures with a little note on the bottom thanking him for always being so great. He loved it!
Of course, I made a poster size one for myself, as well. He even signed it! I love it. Can't wait to frame it - except now I have a picture addition for it! Our collection is neverending! :) LOL.

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