Sunday, October 21, 2012

Read This: In the Pleasure Groove

While I was already looking forward to John Taylor's book, "In The Pleasure Grove: Love, Life, and Duran Duran," simply because it was written by John Taylor, I am totally and completely in love with it. Seriously, I cannot put it down.
John is a helluva writer. He chronicles his life and the creation of Duran Duran with honesty, candor, and humorous tales. I cannot get enough of it. I haven't been this into a book since the Rob Lowe autobiography last year.
Which means, of course, that I'm going to be super sad when the book ends. I'm already almost to the end and I'm loving it SO much.
If you recall, I HATED the autobiography written by Andy Taylor (an ex-member of Duran Duran), but as much as I hated Andy's book, I am head over heels in love with John's book. If you get a chance, if you even kind of like Duran Duran (and, really, who doesn't?), you should check it out. I highly recommend it.

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