Sunday, October 28, 2012

Our Day at Ellen

Last week our good friends Lavonna and Kim came to visit from way far away (well, Ohio and Kentucky, respectively) and we had a great time!
On Sunday we checked out the Andrew McCarthy book signing and on Tuesday they came to eat with me over at my work. This is us in the parking lot after we ate.
But on Thursday we went to the Ellen show!
Here we are in the audience ready to party!
After the show we checke out a cool store on the WB lot called Central Perk. So cool!
 Nice look on your face, Lavonna! :)
Cue the crazy eyes!
This one is much better. :)
Inside the show waiting for it to begin.
The coolest kids on the block!
Me and Kim.
This is the screenshot where you can actually see us in the audience. Wahoo!
 Me and Lavonna.
A shot of the Central Perk sign. Thanks for the fun time, girls! Come back again soon! :)

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