Friday, September 28, 2012

The Internet Brings Everyone Together

So, get this - last night we were at the Il Volo concert before it started and I decided to check out Facebook for a minute. What did I see? A picture of my longtime dear friend, Tina, from high school, saying she's at Il Volo. Um, what?!?! I called her up and we immediately went and met up in the lobby. So cool!
I hadn't seen her forever (she lives in San Diego) and I hadn't met her partner yet, so it was a WIN-WIN!
Also amazing?!?! After I saw Tina, I checked Twitter and noticed that the one and only Michael Damian had tweeted a picture of him and his mom at the concert. Michael Damian! AKA Danny Romalatti from The Young & the Restless!!! I instantly tweeted him back to see his location, but then started scanning the huge theater hoping for a glimpse. Although my dad said I'd never find him, apparently he doesn't know my skill level at finding celebs I love because, sure enough, I found Michael Damian in the crowd - he was in our section!!! How great is that?!?! Not only was he happy to pose for a pic, but he kissed me on the cheek! Day made! Thanks, internet, for bringing us all together. :)

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