Monday, September 17, 2012

Success! Or....Is It????

Here's the thing - I've been wanting to get a picture with Chord Overstreet ever since I saw those gorgeous lips show up on Glee. I think he's beautiful, sexy, and adorable. I *may* or *may not* (read: I totally do)have his picture next to my bed. That's how nuts I am about this boy. Yet, somehow, in all my celebrity hunting, I'd never seen him in person. EVER!
That's not to say I haven't tried. I once got a call he showed up at a concert and I jumped in my car, drove an hour each way, and still somehow MISSED him. On other occasions I've been told he was at a Lakers game or a Kings game or a premiere, but was already home or had other plans. I was just about to take it personally until I finally had the chance to see him last night. After waiting WAY too long for him to leave...this is the result. On the plus side, it's Chord. He's next to me. He's smiling and you can see those pretty lips. On the negative side, I have crazy eyes (did you expect anything different?). Oh, and speaking of eyes...WHY ARE HIS HALF SHUT?!!? Come on, Chord, don't you know how long I've wanted this moment? You couldn't even keep your eyes open for it? Sheesh. Get it together, love.

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