Friday, September 7, 2012

Shiny Happy People

Can I just tell you how much I love my girl, Lindsay, from Not only did we have an amazeballs day yesterday meeting and getting pictures with Ellen DeGeneres and Portia DeRossi (!!!), but we then stopped by the mall really quick to see if we could possibly find some good accessories for my Emmy dress.
I'm happy to say we were quite successful!!! Not only did we find these adorable shoes (fancy and practical),
but she showed me a trick of using a shawl-like material as a cover up over my dress, but attaching it in such a way that it stays put when I'm wearing it. Now I won't have to tear my hair out searching for a little jacket or shrug! Thanks, love!'s glittery and pink! What could ever be wrong with that?
Here we are testing out a camera before the Ellen freak out. :)
On a different note, I just wanted to remind you that I also have a column over at My long, detailed article about the Molly Ringwald picture is posted over there, as well as Mikey's recap of the evening (including this adorable pic he took while we were waiting for Molly to arrive). Love it!

1 comment:

Just Becks said...

You're going to the Emmy's? So awesome! And yes... Lindsay has great taste. Super cute shoes! Glad to hear you're having fun!