Friday, September 7, 2012

Pinky's Fandance - Ellen DeGeneres

I'm not sure if you know this or not, but I LOVE Ellen DeGeneres. I think she's amazeballs. I've been watching her from way back in the day when she just did stand-up, I watched her sitcom, and I love her daily talk show. Essentially, I think Ellen can do no wrong.
When I heard she was getting her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, I was dying to camp out for her all day, but we're so busy at work I couldn't get away. Luckily, she also filmed a talk show this week, so Lindsay and I made a big sign and went to the gate and waited for her to leave (which we knew she'd do early because she'd have to go to film her own show). As she drove out, we said, "Ellen! Can we get a picture?!" She said, as happily as can be, "Sure" and then pulled her car right over. HEAD EXPLODING!!! Sure, it's a car picture, but it's freaking Ellen Amazing DeGeneres! Lindsay and I seriously turned into 5-year-olds on Christmas morning screaming our heads off - even around her I don't think we played it off very cool. Oh, well, I'm sure she's used to enthusiastic fans, right? LOVE HER! Thanks, Ellen! :)

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