Thursday, September 6, 2012

New Friends!

Even better than finally getting a picture with Molly Ringwald? Meeting new friends!
Sherri (I really hope that's her name and how you spell it - I was in a bit of a Molly haze last night) was kind enough to come up to me and say she reads the site and was so sweet. She even asked for a picture with me! Can you stand it? Loves it!
Rachel sat a few chairs down from me and we were instant friends from the first time I heard her say, "John Taylor." She's got an '80s blog I can't wait to check out. Sadly, I'm a blonde and can't seem to locate the information she gave me, so please if you're reading this, Rachel, give me a shout out and let me know where to find the site so I can link it from here. Also, thanks for the Molly pic!
These nice ladies were in my row and we all bonded over our love for Molly and Penny Marshall. Overall it was a great night and I always love to meet new friends!

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