Monday, September 24, 2012

Mission FINALLY Accomplished

Back in 2010 when I attended my very first Emmy ceremony, I was bound and determined to get a picture with January Jones. As she was the last member of the Mad Men cast I'd yet to get a picture with (and it's one of my favorite shows), it was my mission to get her.
Despite staying out until 4 a.m. when she left an after-party, I went home empty-handed. The next morning I started a new job and subsequently fell asleep during training. Yeah, I know. Stupid move. Of course, everything happens for a reason and if I'd never fallen asleep, my life would be totally different now. Would it be better? Would it be worse? I guess we'll never know - only that it'd be different. Guess it all comes full circle - finally getting a picture with January now is kind of bittersweet. At least she looks thrilled about it.

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