Sunday, September 2, 2012

Friday Night Fun (Part One)

Friday night I went out with Crush and my cube-mate, Clarissa. We were supposed to hang out with Clarissa and her fiance, Seth, but he was sick, so it was just me, Crush, and Clarissa.
As usual, we had a great time. We headed down to the Farmer's Market at The Grove and hung out at the bar we like with the awesome Happy Hour from 4-7. 
Of course, we also had to play "Snack Wars," which is a super fun game Crush came up with the last time we were there.
We introduced Clarissa to it and she was a big fan, as well.
I don't know why the lighting is all pink, but this is Clarissa's offering - an array of yummy chocolates.
This is Crush's offering - an array of seafood.
And, finally, my offering - delicious blueberry pancakes. The best! Of course I won (they're just in denial about it).
The funniest part was that I found these cool stickers that had my name on them. I applied them both to their backsides as a "tramp stamp." Yep, that's right - property of Kristen! :) 

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