Friday, September 14, 2012

Fine, I'm Wrong. I AM a Crab.

Crush just told me at lunch that I've been a crab all week. I'd like to say that's not true, but it would be a lie. I am a crab. I'm grumpy as all get out. Work is killing me. I've worked at least five hours of overtime so far and I'm so busy I could scream. In addition to that, I'm tired, and I'm pretty sure I'm PMS-y. Not a good combo.
Of course, on the other other hand, I kind of like that he's comfortable enough with me to tell me something like that, even if I don't like what he's saying. It's not as though it's not true, I just wish it weren't. I'm at the point of the week where all I want to do is cry.

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