Friday, August 3, 2012

Pinky's Fandance - Richard Riehle

The other night I was downtown with my friend Chris and spotted this familiar looking man sitting and reading at a table. At first I thought it could be Wilford Brimley because he has that sort of kind looking face, but then I realized it was another actor. Although I couldn't remember his name, I definitely knew I'd seen him on a million things. 
My friend, Chris, however, wasn't so sure, and started making me doubt my good spot. In fact, I started doubting myself so much that I actually asked him if he was an actor, which I never do and felt silly doing it. He confirmed that he was (thank you very much) and was super cool about the whole thing. Of course, now that I've researched his work, he's been in just about everything out there! Stoked I asked him for a pic.

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