Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pinky's Fandance Redux - Christopher Atkins

Although we've spoken about this before, it doesn't hurt to mention my deep and abiding love for The Pirate Movie and all that Christopher Atkins is. When I first found out he was going to be out promoting a movie, I thought I'd lose my mind with excitement. Christopher Atkins! Christopher Atkins! My beloved Frederick from The Pirate Movie!
Just as I'd hoped, Christopher was very cool and happily signed my DVD and posed for a picture with me.
As luck would have it, I saw him again like a week later. How amazing is that? My best week ever!
Finding out he was going to be at the latest Hollywood Show was icing on the cake. Christopher Atkins is a dream come true!
While I totally loved our first picture together at the show, his daughter suggested we take another one of us hugging...um, yes, please! Who would ever say no to that suggestion? A crazy person! Loves it!

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