Sunday, August 12, 2012

Pinky's Fandance - Gedde Watanabe

"What's happening, hot stuff?" Yeah, that's's the one and only Long Duk Dong! Can you believe it? Head exploding! SO excited!!!
What made it even sweeter was that I'd missed him at an event a few months ago and was basically devastated. So, to randomly see him the other night made my whole day! :)
I thought the first picture had his tongue sticking out, so I took another one....then I realized that the first one was super cute. Oops. Too bad I called him the wrong name. Luckily he was super nice! Love him! My fave part was that my friend said, "Automobile?" to him and Gedde's response was, "Yeah, like I've never heard that before." Love it!

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