Friday, August 17, 2012

Pinky's Fandance Flashback - Alfonso Ribiero

I have a not-so-secret confession about this picture: I don't remember taking it. In fact, as you can see by Alfonso's face, he totally and completely hated me. With good reason. You see, I'm a lightweight when it comes to wine, at that time I never drank it ever, and by the time this picture was taken, I'd had, oh, four glasses on an empty stomach. Later that night I shook hands with Jerry Buss (the owner of the Lakers) and fell down an entire flight of stairs. Yeah, good times.
The funny part was that I do remember meeting him initially, as we were at a Lakers game sitting in the seats right next to the VIP section, and I was super excited to see someone from my beloved Silver Spoons. I had to talk to him about my true love, Ricky Schroder! I just had to! I remember going up to him once or twice, but apparently it was way worse than that. Later that week I started having dreams that we took a picture together (mind you, this was LONG time ago - way before digital cameras) and my friends were kind enough to remind me that  it wasn't a dream, we actually DID take a picture together. Eeek. To this day I'm afraid to see him for fear he'll remember and call security on me. And yes, I know I totally look like Madonna back in the day with my rocking platinum short 'do. Don't be jealous.

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