Monday, August 6, 2012

Pinky's Fandance - Antonio Sabato, Jr.

Just so you know, it's totally OK if you want to lick the screen right now. Trust me, I get it. Antonio Sabato, Jr. is one hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin' love. I totally agree.
As it so happens, Antonio was at an earlier Hollywood Show this year, but his prices were super high. As much as I wanted a picture, I just couldn't justify the high price of a picture. And, sadly, I've regretted that decision ever since, especially since I follow him on Twitter and he's just so awesome on there. He's always so positive and happy - his posts make me smile. So, this time I was prepared to pay the high price...but, thankfully, he lowered his prices. Hooray! Now I can lick my screen anytime I want to. Oh, wait. That didn't sound right. Nevermind. Moving on....

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