Monday, August 13, 2012

I Give Up

So, apparently I've lost the ability to continue my Radio Silence with Neverending Boyfriend. Despite all my best efforts to stay out of contact and unconnected to him for over a year and a half, after one run-in at the funeral, I fear that all my hard work is gone to waste. Apparently the floodgates were opened and now we can talk just like a day hasn't passed between us wherein we didn't speak. Funny how that happens. You know someone for 25 years and it's impossible to stay apart.
DON'T WORRY, the one thing I did do in this whole thing is keep my heart out of it. Now we can talk like old FRIENDS, that's right, FRIENDS, and keep all that romantic mumbo jumbo out of it. I did miss him as a friend - it's comforting to have someone know you as well as we know each other. So, that's that, I guess. I give up.

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