Sunday, August 5, 2012

Friday Night Fun - Part One

Without going into too much detail, let me just say that work is currently beyond busy and it was a really long week. Don't get me wrong, I still love my job, but there's A LOT of stuff going on and I'm kinda overwhelmed. No biggie - I'll get through it.
Because of this, by Friday I was completely brain-dead (read: I pronounced China as Cheee-na), so Crush and I went out on the town to blow off some steam.
First stop? The Grove shopping center where we hit up the Farmer's Market area to see all the sights.
We found this awesome bar and had some cocktails during Happy Hour. During this time, we played this game called "Snack Wars" where each of us had a certain amount of time to find the tastiest snack we could share from one end of the market to the other and both enjoy (which may have been harder for him since I'm so picky). My contribution was this delicious French Dip sandwich.
This was his contribution - deep fried potato and meat balls. He thinks he should've won for presentation alone (which, I agree, was much better looking than mine....however, mine tasted better). So much fun!

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