Monday, August 20, 2012

Farewell Mark & Brian

Several months ago Mark Thompson (from my beloved Mark & Brian radio show I listen to every day on the way to work) announced that he was going to retire from the show on August 17th of this year. While I thought this was a huge bummer, I took solace in the fact that Brian would get another partner and things would continue as they've been. As the past few weeks went on, there was tribute upon tribute for Mark - so much so that I was getting a little sick of it. I mean, as much as I love the show, one can only take so much of hearing them essentially blowing each other all day every day.
Still, there was no official announcement on the show and who would replace Mark. I was starting to worry, but still figured it'd be good news (just as long as it wasn't Kelly Gates. Anyone but her). Sadly, on Friday it was announced that Brian would also be leaving the the entire Mark & Brian family lost their jobs and the show is no more. THIS SUCKS!!! Apparently Brian is going to do a podcast now...which means I'll never listen to him again because I just don't do podcasts. Farewell, Mark & Brian. You'll be missed.

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