Friday, August 17, 2012

Celebrity Wrap Up - Sunday Edition

Hello and welcome to Sunday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Do you think the publicists for the movie Sparkle had one single note for the actresses coming to the premiere? "Just be sure you SPARKLE!" See what I did there?
Oh, Kelly Taylor. Pink is supposed to PEP you up, not make you a sad sack of bitter. Get with the program.
You know, you've gotta hand it to Robert Pattinson for keeping it together in public - I mean, break-ups are hard anyway, especially when your much-less-attractive significant other cheats on you with a married director - but to have to do it in public? No, thank you.
Bjork called. She'd like feathers from her swan dress back.
I think this dress would be super cute if it weren't totally see-through. Gah.

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