Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Attack of the Room

I know I've said it time and time before, but I don't understand why I'm not a neat freak. I wish I was. I wish I cared that my clothes were all over the place or that I could barely walk into my room. I wish I cared about folding things all fancy and making sure everything had its face. I kinda think that would rule. Instead, I'm a mess. Literally.
The other night I had to clean my room. Again. Like, really clean it. I've been thinking it might happen to clean itself, but that didn't happen, so I had to finally bite the bullet and get it done. Fun times.
I always feel so much better when my room is clean, so I don't understand my issue with keeping it that way?
Oh, well. For the time being clothes are hung, things are put away, and life is grand.

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