Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sammy Rhodes, Therapy Dog

So, here's the thing: I hate going anywhere that my dog isn't allowed. Yes, of course, I realize that there are plenty of places where he shouldn't go and I wouldn't presume he could. I would never take him to a movie or a fancy restaurant. But there are other times (like the most recent 5K race I attended as a spectator) where he should be able to come without causing harm or annoyance to anyone else.
I was so bummed he wasn't at the 5K race with me, since we mainly have weekends to spend a lot of time together; so to have to leave him and drive far away kinda killed me. Plus, when we got there I saw plenty of other dogs there - mainly wearing Service Dog or Therapy Dog vest. That's when Crush's mom told me you could buy these vests online. What's that? You didn't need anything special? I could just buy a vest?
Yesterday the vest arrived in the mail. Obviously he's thrilled with it - just look at the joy on his face (she says, sarcastically). Now that it's here I feel like a big chicken. I'm not sure I'll ever actually put him in it, but I like having it "just in case." Plus, maybe now he can come grocery shopping with me sometime. :) Ha.

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