Monday, June 4, 2012

Pinky's Fandance - Lenny Jacobson

Lenny Jacobson is ad-or-able. He's so great on Nurse Jackie and when I found out that he was starring in a local play, I kept meaning to go. For weeks. Then, suddenly, it was the last day. Fail.
So, I'm not going to bore you with the details of why practically every single decision I made yesterday was the wrong one, but suffice it to say that I screwed up. Thankfully the day was saved by meeting a few people I'd really been hoping to meet - one of them being Lenny Jacobson. I'd been waiting for so long that my BFF from Junior High, Stacy, actually went in and grabbed him for me. AMAZING. Here's a pic of me and Stacy. Always great to see her, too!

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