Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lifestyles of the Super Exciting

Lest you think my life is non-stop excitement, let me fill you in on my night last night.
I played with my dog, Sammy, down at the beach. And then in the house. And then in my room. Look at that sweet face. Awwww.
Then he curled up next to me as I got caught up on Facebook / Pinterest / texting. I love this picture of him because it looks like he's deep in thought. I wonder what he was pondering?
When I wasn't playing with / photographing my dog or reading things online, I was texting Lindsay about her boyfriend, Matt Lanter, who showed up to the Critic's Choice Awards rocking this hair-DON'T. I couldn't quite put my finger on who he looked like.....
Oh, wait. Yes, I did. He was rocking the Ed Grimley hair-do!

On the plus side, I woke up today feeling refreshed and (finally!) headache-free. I almost broke out into song and started dancing around to some made up song called, "I'm Alive!!!" Oh, wait, so, you're right. My life IS full of adventure and excitement. Carry on.

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