Monday, June 4, 2012

A Day at Disneyland

One of the perks of working somewhere like Disney is getting to see a sneak preview of something as amazing as the new Cars Land. While it doesn't open to the public until June 15th, we had the opportunity to check it out on Saturday. Wahoo!
Per usual, I invited my girl Lindsay from We had SO. MUCH. FUN.
Shortly after we arrived, we met up with Adam and his mom, Anna (who just happens to be my boss' beautiful and hilarious wife).  
The four of us laughed so hard all day long - it was a blast. Seriously, it was awesome.
 We also ran into my co-worker, Ross, and his lovely wife, Robin.
Me and Anna...
This was a picture I took during The World of Color show. So cool!
Linds and I at the end of a long, hot, exhausting, amazing day.
The only downside? Stupid sunburn line!!! Gah!

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