Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pinky's Fandance - Fran Drescher

For the record, I love Fran Drescher just as much as I hate when people make the "peace sign" in pictures. I don't know what it is, but it drives me crazy. Not that I'm against peace or anything, but why is it necessary? Just smile and move along.
Still, I really do love Fran Drescher. I loved the story of her pitching The Nanny on a plane to the guy sitting next to her and how much spunk that must've took. I love how successful her show was and everything about Fran Fine's character. I love that she walked away from her husband who came out of the closet but still remains best friends with him and even created a new show with him. I think she's an amazing person and I was thrilled to finally meet her. Just look at my smile - I'm bursting!

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