Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pinky's Fandance - Alec Mapa

After lunch today, we swung by a Starbucks (otherwise known as Lindsay's home away from home) and just happened to run into Alec Mapa, who's probably best known for his hilarious role as the reporter on Ugly Betty. Actually, truth be told, I'm not sure what he's best known for - I just think he's hysterical and feel like I know him because I follow him on Twitter.
Alec was adorable and immediately sent out a tweet saying he met some lady (LADY!!! I strongly suggested he change that wording immediately) who told him she followed him (on Twitter) and his initial response was, "PEOPLE ARE FOLLOWING ME?" Such a sweetie. Per usual, Lindsay's first question was, "How did you recognize him?" My response? "Have we met?"

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