Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Going Collage Crazy

Costco has this amazing new service where you can select pictures to make into a photo collage and it'll create it with one click. Not only can you select the pictures, the layout, and the border color, but you can click on "arrange photos" and change it around until it looks like you want. Plus, it's really affordable - the largest size (which is 20' x 30' - like a poster) is only $8.99! How can you pass that by?
I've been going a little picture crazy lately and combining all my pics into collages. There are these great frames at Target for only $5.99, so it's perfect! I love that I was able to fit all my Sam stuff together. This was actually created with a poster frame ($8.99), but still a fab deal!
I rearranged my wall last night to coordinate my new Sam poster and my new super cute collages. 
I even made an awesome addition to the Duran Duran wall. Score!

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