Monday, April 9, 2012

See This: American Reunion

It feels like I haven't been out to see a movie in the theater for a really long time. Life gets so crazy sometimes that I REALLY have to want to see something to get me out of the house and away from my dog to see it. From the moment I saw the first trailer, I knew that American Reunion would be a movie I'd leave the house to see. Admittedly, I was WAY too excited to see it. I was practically giddy all day in anticipation. And I'm happy to report that it didn't disappoint. There were several parts that I laughed so loud I thought people were going to stare. I really enjoyed it. Of course, it's not going to win an Academy Award, the plot is fairly predictable, and you have to really like these characters to sit through another movie in this funny series, but I really liked it. A few people in the theater even clapped, which I took as a good sign. If you like these movies, I highly recommend it. Now I just need to figure out why Natasha Lyonne was included on the poster when she was only in the movie for approximately 30 seconds.

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