Monday, April 23, 2012

Sammy & His Namesake

Yesterday was a really good day - not only did I get to spend most of it with my girl Lindsay and her hubby, Bret, but we had a VERY successful day to boot! More details will be shared later (when I'm not about to leave on a jet plane), but suffice it to say that this was one of the highlights: How cute is Sam with Sammy? I'm not sure what was so interesting to Sammy in the far distance, but at least he got a snuggle from the guy he was named after. When Sam first got there, he said, "Pinky, you're crazy!" because he thought I was only there for him. Surprisingly, I actually wasn't. Now, it didn't hurt that his name was on the Host Committee list and there was a good chance he'd show up, but I would've been fine either way. Still, it was super fun to see him and Missy and get a chance to chat. Of course, hugs never hurt either! Great send-off for me! :)

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