Monday, April 2, 2012

Pinky's Fandance - Mark & Brian (!)

Friends, I'm *so* geeked out today after meeting Mark & Brian, the morning DJ team on 95.5 KLOS. You don't even know how long I've been listening to them - feels like FOREVER - and they've made my daily commutes so much fun. When I used to waitress and worked the early shift, I had a long commute, as well, but every morning they'd just make my day with their show. I've wanted to meet them for so long and today I finally got my chance.
It's funny - after being around so many celebrities, you wouldn't think a morning DJ duo would knock my socks off, but it was mesmerizing to see them in person. Matching their voices - which I've long adored - with their faces was kind of surreal. After the concert (more on that later), they said they'd line the group up for pics with Matt Nathanson (whose concert we were there to see) and of course I had to bust out and ask if we could also get a picture with Mark & Brian, as well. Their reaction was priceless - one ran out of the room and the other said something like, "Come on!" but luckily they both agreed to do it. Hooray! Brian even gave me a big hug. WIN!

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