Monday, April 2, 2012

Matt Nathanson Rocks the House

As you might recall, I won tickets to see the private Matt Nathanson concert at Mark & Brian today - wahoo! I was so excited to see Matt, but especially Mark & Brian.
There were about 40 people in a conference room set-up with a little stage. The banter was fun, Matt was hysterical, and Mark & Brian were still broadcasting live throughout the show.
Now, I've always loved Matt's voice, but watching him move was incredible. That boy has got some moves! When he swiveled his hips, I wanted to jump onstage and tackle him. Wait, what?
I tried to take some video, but I'm not sure it adequately shows how dreamy he is. Uber talented, funny, and able to rock the mic? Mark me down for a YES.
This is a member of Matt's band. Yes, he is my perfect man. Seriously, if I could create my type, this would be what he looked like.
Another band member - Mr. Personality! The band was fun, the gig was great, and I finally got to meet Mark & Brian! Wahoo all around! Oh yeah - bonus! Cynthia Fox is the DJ who comes on immediately after Mark & Brian. She was super nice (and her voice matched her look, which I appreciate).

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