Friday, March 23, 2012

Pinky's Fandance - Joey McIntyre

I have a confession to make: I never really cared for New Kids on the Block. I don't know what it is, but I think I was too old by the time they hit it big. My sister was crazy about them, but I just didn't really think they had "The Right Stuff" (see what I did there???). Despite not enjoying the group as a whole, I do appreciate the individuals who were in it and by far my fave was the little cute one, Joey McIntyre. How could you not love those eyes? Of course, he's not so little anymore, but he's still adorable. It was fun to see him and I can't wait to show my sister how I was "Hanging Tough" with Joey (wow, I'm just full of pun today - I didn't even realize I knew more than one NKOTB song title).

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